About Me

Positive Dog Trainer

Scentwork Specialist

Scentwork Tutor for Canine Principles

Cocker Spaniel Lover


My Story

I started to help others train their dogs in 2020 when covid hit and more training became available online. I was able to do instructor training online with Do More With Your Dog and went on to become a Certified Trick Dog Instructor, Canine Conditioning and Fitness Coach, Stunt Dog Trainer and Animal Actor Certified Evaluator with them. I began training people remotely and approving titles through a Facebook group and helped people all over the world to gain titles for their dogs. Since then I have been continuously learning and adding to my skill set including not just qualifications in dog and puppy training but numerous instructor courses for different activities including Hoopers, Fun Agility, Dog Parkour,  and my favourite Scentwork activities. I am a dual certified Mantrailing Instructor and am the most established and experienced instructor in Connacht. I am also qualified as an instructor in Tracking, Scent Detection, Open Search and Trail Hunt International.  

My Mission

My mission is to provide Positive Dog Training for people in Mayo and beyond. Traditionally there has not been much of this available here and I aim to educate people and provide them with the opportunity to work with their dogs. I want to show people how to train their dog using reward based scientifically proven methods and to educate on the harm that training through pain or fear can cause to the dog. I am passionate about scentwork and the benefits it can provide for dogs which include building confidence, giving dogs a job to do or an outlet for natural behaviours and most of all an enjoyable experience (for the humans too)

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Claremorris, Co Mayo

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087 716 7489

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